Monday, June 2, 2008


Blogger won't let us log in today, so this is a quick post from Firenze, where everything is closed for Republic Day.
Yesterday was a challenge... over 10,000 feet of climbing (the elevation chart was right), including a number of instances where the climbing gradient was proudly displayed on a street sign to be more than 10%. Those guys on the Giro weren't doing that much more! And then there was the 17% descent... that was fun, if absolutely terrifying. Rich hit 60km per hour at one point, which is, well, fast.
Now we're in Firenze and running out of time. More (plus photos!) later.
xxx N


Anonymous said...

I don't need to hear about those downhill speeds!

Mom said...

neither do I !!

Unknown said...

We LOVE Firenze (it's where I proposed, don't you know!) - Say hi to David and enjoy the espressos...

have fun, hoep to see you soon

Ben, Jennifer and Lewis xx