Monday, May 26, 2008

counter blog

So we are sitting at adjacent computers somewhere in Rome, doing some kind of competitive blogging to this site. We don't have much to report in terms of biking (see Rich's entry for more on that) but as we're not due to leave for Chiuso and the hilltowns until Wednesday, we're stopping short of freaking out entirely just yet.
Will try to find a way to post pictures later. This computer won't let me upload the ones from my camera, and we can't access any of the wi-fi spots to post the ones from our phones, but we'll keep trying. Someone in Rome must have unlocked wi-fi!
This is my first trip to Rome, and I can't get over what a palimpsest it is. Scratch away at something and there's always something else underneath. I know that's true of most cities, but it seems especially true here, where centuries are like wallpaper on these old walls.
We've been mainly wandering around, in typical Agate-Nisa fashion (hi, senior!), and trying to work on our Italian, which is sub-par, even for beginners. Indeed, our first date was to see a film called Italian for Beginners... coincidence? Non lo so. We also did some major touristy things today, like visit San Pietro and the Sistine Chapel. Every so often, I remember something my Latin teacher told me about Rome and I get all excited, partly because it feels really wonderful to have those twenty-year old memories come to life, and partly because my old Latin teacher used to drink beer and smoke in class, and teach in a supine position with his feet on the desk. And that's just a good memory to have.
We're off to sample some Prosecco in a park close to our guesthouse. It's in the Trastrevere, which we both love already. Lots of random cats sitting in windows three stories up, golden retrievers wandering around on the loose, bambini screaming, old couples strolling arm in arm... good stuff. And gelato! So far we've sampled some straciatella (both of our favourite), pistachio, and a ridiculous dark chocolate thing that was very good. May go back for more of that tonight... which means we need to get on our bikes and burning calories pronto!



Unknown said...

I love reading you guys...your secret talons include a great gift for prose.

Sorry to hear about the bike mishap! Laurent (who wants to see you in Paris) is in Nice half of the week, so if you need local help he could pick it up and fedex it or something. Also, I do happen to own a REALLY old city bike in Rome if all else fails...but you'd have to get in touch with the famous Fillipo (I find it convenient to keep an amenable ex in each city.).

The dogs and I are holding down the fort here. Or I'm holding down the fort and they're napping and drooling. Ollie has a far-off gaze when he looks out the window and it's not because he's looking for squirrels.

Buone vacanze!

Anonymous said...

This blog rules.

Romantic Rome antics!